Nineteen Eighty Four: Dystopia Study WARNING!

Text Type
Feature Article:
– Express an opinion
– Analysis
– 3rd Person
– Past Tense

– Organise your argument
– Use effective discourse markers

– 50% Nineteen Eighty-Four
– 50% contemporary world

  1. Identify a warning that George Orwell issues to us via his Novel nineteen eighty four – support with a quote

2. Identify a manifestation of this concern in contemporary society – provide evidence

3. Draw a connection between the two – was Orwell right? – What did he miss? – What are we missing?

George Orwell alerts a warning of a dystopian future in the novel, Nineteen Eighty Four from Orwell’s example called “Telescreens.” The telescreen in Nineteen Eighty-four is a tool used by the Party to detect instances of rebellion. The telescreen is designed to monitor every movement and hear every conversation between Party members, whether they are at home or at work. George Orwell through Nineteen Eighty Four shows through his writing that the idea of having a tool like that intrudes the privacy of the society influencing on how people act, giving the state power. (quote about telescreens then explain) In Nineteen Eighty Four, Orwell writes this as if its a warning towards future generations that we will lose the chance to ever be alone and lose the ability to truly have our own secrets. Losing the privacy.

In Recent society we have been slowly becoming limited with our own privacy. For example of this control of power and security, one of the biggest cities in the world. London. The Capital of England has one of the largest rates of CCTV cameras

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